When I met you in the Summer

How are you? How’s your heart? I hope well and lighter after eclipse and Mercury Retrograde season :) Not to worry airy Gemini season is here, and it’s meant to be easy and breezy, so rake advantage and enjoy! June also happens to be my birthday month, and this year I am turning nothing less than 40…! It's on the 19th in case you want to send me love :)

As a way to celebrate myself and this next stage, which is feeling more like a whole new life, I decided to wander not lost for 40 days in lieu of the 40 years I have been walking on this earth and the fact that I’ve actually made it this far…!

I also chose to do something really crazy and not plan the entire thing.

Could I deepen my relationship with Spirit?

Could I trust that I would be divinely guided to my next destination?

Could I stay present and allow for magic to happen?

Could I 100% clear my calendar, take this time off, not sign up for 30 different trainings and just have fun?

Ok, maybe just one training and then fun :)

As a recovering event organizer, overachieving perfectionist, people pleaser and obsessive student of healing arts, the choice to put my desires first and then let go of the rest is a big deal for me. To the point that I don’t even have a ticket or date to fly back home yet… wild times I tell you, untethered and wild…lol

My celebration of Self, began last month when I got on a plane to Turkey. After two weeks in this colorful country, Spirit has spoken and to my great surprise its off to Israel I go. To be honest Israel was not on my mind when I embarked on this adventure and yet that land has called. Apparently I am on some sort of pilgrimage to visit my buddy Jesus before the celebrations continue with family and friends in Greece and then God only knows…

As my birthday gets closer, I’ve become very aware that I’m somewhere in the middle of my life line. With some luck and good health I have another 40 years to live and the question I am in is how do I want to live them? What experiences do I want to have from here on out? What do I want to create? How do I want to relate to others?

Big existential and intriguing questions that have no wrong answer. I get to make it up, every step of the way.

To truly surrender to my heart and soul’s calling has been one of the biggest growth opportunities life has gifted me. To lean further into the Art of Healing, to teach and empower others to live their best life and Inspire those who are interested in welcoming and loving ALL of who they are so they can have a FULL human experience is what this being wants to dedicate her energy, love and time to in this next chapter of life.

I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. I have a deep knowing that this is the way and I feel completely insane, at the exact same time. To take the road less traveled, to walk towards wholeness, sacred union, pleasure, sovereignty, to surrender my life to love. To feel all the feels…

It takes willpower and consistency to make changes in our unconscious programming and limiting beliefs. It takes courage to take one or many leaps of faith to break habits and patterns that keep us from creating that life we dream of, especially if its way outside the box. It takes infinite amounts of compassion and patience to heal and integrate our shadow. It takes commitment to self love in order to let go of co-dependency and fear.

For those of you on a healing/conscious living path, I acknowledge you and I thank you for putting in the time. Know that you’re never alone, even if at times the path is lonely. May I also remind you that healing doesn’t always have to be a deep dive into childhood wounds, sticking your finger into emotional sockets or reliving past trauma.

It can also look like celebrating yourself, self care, making time for things that make you happy. Learning to say no to whatever doesn’t align with you. Creating joy, exploring pleasure and finding the sweetness in life. It can look like going on an adventure. Saying yes to fun and play! Choosing to be in relationship with those who accept your unicorn self and celebrate every inch of you…! This too counts as living a full life, as taking the road less traveled and that's my birthday invitation to you.

As I celebrate myself and indulge in all things that light me up, I invite you to do the same and then to keep doing it until the frequency of pleasure and self love has deeply penetrated your bones and it becomes your new way of being and living.

My birthday wish for you is that you realize how sacred, powerful and worthy of love you are. It is my birthday wish and will for myself, to continue to wander and to be more in service to those also seeking wholeness of existence and creating a life with no regrets.

As always sending dragon heart love to all beings,



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